Brief Bio
I'm a postdoc in the math department at NTNU, working with Drew Heard as a member of the project tt-geometry in Trondheim.
I do research in algebraic topology, an area of pure/theoretical math, and teach undergraduate and graduate courses. My work is in equivariant homotopy theory with a focus on RO(G)-graded Bredon cohomology, structured ring spectra, parametrized cohomology, and tensor triangular geometry.
My thesis advisor at the University of Oregon was Dan Dugger and my postdoc mentor at UCLA was Mike Hill.
Here is my CV.
Contact Information
Clover May
Postdoctoral Fellow
Email: clover.may@ntnu.no
Office: Sentralbygg 2, 1202, Gløshaugen
Department of Mathematical Sciences, NTNU
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
7491 Trondheim
Prior Employment
UCLA Department of Mathematics
Assistant Adjunct Professor 2018 - 2021
Math Education
Ph.D. Mathematics - University of Oregon 2018
M.S. Mathematics - University of Oregon 2015
Post Baccalaureate Certificate - North Carolina State University 2012
B.A. Mathematics - University of Massachusetts, Boston 2011 - Summa cum Laude
Other Education
Graduate Certificate - Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis 2008
B.A. Sociology - University of Massachusetts, Boston 2006 - Summa cum Laude